Let's just start with this:
I have toured Athens' sketchiest neighbourhoods and I hope I never EVER see them again. NO BUENO! Chiu Yee and I took the x9 to Kifissos Station where coach buses (like Greyhound terminals) were parked for destinations to the Peloponnese (Yes, Pylos is in here). We bought our tickets and waited in a restaurant since we were an hour early.
Because I waited for Chiu Yee, whose flight came in at 10:30, we decided to take the bus to Kalamata and then take a taxi to Pylos (which is about an hour away). No sweat.
At the terminal, I wished REAL BADLY that my brother was there because he would have knocked the teeth of this guy I'm about to talk about... Or rather, 'lui en clocker une dans tete.'
A gypsy, I presume, came up to me and tried selling me an iphone that was already FUNCTIONNING. I fought this guy nail and tooth -- "No thank you." "No thank you.""No thank you.""No thank you.""No thank you.""No thank you.""No thank you."
He then tried selling me a watch, put it on the table in my hand.... NOOOOOOOOO.
I was so scared and this jackass had sunglasses on and was yelling to me in Greek. As much as I was horrified, and kept saying NO, and he finally left.
An old woman tried to sell me kleenex' and signed to me that she was poor.... and then a kid did the same. Get the hell away and get me the f@*k out of here!
FINALLY the bus came and we were finally on our way to Kalamata.
I managed to catch a glimpse of the Isthmus (Google it!). Then, outside of Corinth, I spotted the AcroCorinth (Google it!) on the top of one of the Greek Rockies. Yes, this 'hills' are just as high as our beloved Rockies... Oh, Canada! <3
We had to take a detour because they had closed off the highway from Sparta onwards --- that led us into the backroads.
Backroads here = SWITCHBACKS. I swear to god, I sat in the very front seat and I had the side window; The friggin cliff and a tiny guard rail is inches from the bus!! I felt like I was in an episode from Ice Road Truckers: Himalayas. Good GOD. EXHILARATING but MORTIFYING.
Once we got to Kalamata, we both discovered that we took it for granted that there were English signs in Athens, because NO ONE UNDERSTAND A LICK OF ENGLISH IN KALAMATA!!!! haha, you know you're in a foreign country when...!!!
Anyway, we see a huge sign reading 'TAXI'. Ok cool. We walked over and a bunch of old geezers are staring at us and congregating around us. The girl with me is clearly not a talker and didnt look like she was gonna say something because she kept looking at ME. Oh boy. Ok.
I say: taxi?
They say "TAXI!!"
I say "Pylos?"
One says, "65 euros."
I say "That's fine."
(I guess they had no clue what that meant because I spent the next 10 minutes just staring at them in silence...)
So finally, "I say Pylos????"
The guy says '60 euros."
I give him 2 thumbs up and "yeah, that's good!"
He says, "GOOD?"
I say "GOOD!!!!"
A guy steps up and he seemed very nice and polite and take the girl's luggage first and put it in the trunk. Then he sees mine and I swear, I think he swore lol, because mine was bigger and larger and he then took the girl's bag first and put mine in first, and then crammed hers afterwards..
The taxi driver CRUISED down to Pylos and in no time, we got to the hotel. No sweat.
May I mention that the scenery is OUT OF THIS WORLD!
But, more details to come :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011
And The There Was A Greek Boy...
Once I landed at 6 pm, I went straight into a business center offering wifi, fax and the whole kit and kaboodle for tourist. I emailed my mom and we exchanged emails for a while. she helped me out to figure stuff; all the while I just wanted to cry and come back home to KANATHA.
This girl at one of the airport travel agencies suggested possible options for my friggin situation:
One, stay in the airport until 6:30am and head downtown by bus to then catch the Pylos coach bus.
Two, stay in a hostel for dirt cheap an get on the coach bus in the morning... She really advised against it, but it was an option nonetheless...
I decided, screw everything, I'm racking up the bill and staying at Sofitel.
And so I walked 50 meters across the hotel road towards the 5 star hotel airport called Sofitel.
I was so exhausted, flustered and full of anger lugging my suitcase and trying to lift up the curb that I didn't even notice that a very handsome Greek boy was coming towards me.
He was a bell boy and he asked, "Miss, would you like some help with your luggage?"
I was so bewildered that someone on this planet was n.i.c.e. that I almost lost it.
I replied, "Yes, please."
"Do you have reservations with us?"
My heart sank, "No... I was wondering if you had a room for the night."
"Yes, of course!"
Mr. Handsome shows me to the reception desk and I ask for a room. The lady was extremely nice and upgraded my room for free to a luxury suite... After I told her that money was not a problem.
I ask for help with the buses for the next morning and the concierge helped me. Then, Mr. Handsome -- he never left my side -- showed me to my room and lugged my luggage filled with bricks.
He was so nice -- sigh -- the only good thing that came out of this situation.
After he made sure I was fine, he left and I took the longest and nicest shower. I ordered room service and had a nice dinner --- and went to bed, only to wake up at 2 am still hungry. And so, I watched German MTV airing "Scarred" and ate the most delicious fruit salad EVER... Honestly, who cares if the show was in German because the idiots on that show were so stupid it made me laugh regardless. Note: second time I laughed since leaving Canada.
I arranged for breakfast to get to my room for 6 so I tried to get some more sleep. The food is EXCELLENT -- the hugest omelette EVER, and a double espresso came right on time and I started feeling like a happy person again.
I checked out after checking my emails again and when I was walking out, Mr. Handsome was there and after immediately recognizing me, said hello and good luck.
At the entrance, another employee started talking to me. Unlike Mr. Handsome who was my age, this man who turned out to be very nice as well said, "You're from Canada?!"
Yeah...I sticked out like a sore thumb because I had a red and white belt around my suitcase that read CANADA.
He says, "Where in Canada?!"
"Oh nice! I lived in Toronto from the age of 4 and came back home when I was 18!"
We chatted for a while and I then headed to the airport again, for I managed to contact another girl through facebook who was arriving late as well and was going to land in 2 hours. Once she got in, we took the x93 to Kifissos Station in Athens, and this turned out to be some adventure...
This girl at one of the airport travel agencies suggested possible options for my friggin situation:
One, stay in the airport until 6:30am and head downtown by bus to then catch the Pylos coach bus.
Two, stay in a hostel for dirt cheap an get on the coach bus in the morning... She really advised against it, but it was an option nonetheless...
I decided, screw everything, I'm racking up the bill and staying at Sofitel.
And so I walked 50 meters across the hotel road towards the 5 star hotel airport called Sofitel.
I was so exhausted, flustered and full of anger lugging my suitcase and trying to lift up the curb that I didn't even notice that a very handsome Greek boy was coming towards me.
He was a bell boy and he asked, "Miss, would you like some help with your luggage?"
I was so bewildered that someone on this planet was n.i.c.e. that I almost lost it.
I replied, "Yes, please."
"Do you have reservations with us?"
My heart sank, "No... I was wondering if you had a room for the night."
"Yes, of course!"
Mr. Handsome shows me to the reception desk and I ask for a room. The lady was extremely nice and upgraded my room for free to a luxury suite... After I told her that money was not a problem.
I ask for help with the buses for the next morning and the concierge helped me. Then, Mr. Handsome -- he never left my side -- showed me to my room and lugged my luggage filled with bricks.
He was so nice -- sigh -- the only good thing that came out of this situation.
After he made sure I was fine, he left and I took the longest and nicest shower. I ordered room service and had a nice dinner --- and went to bed, only to wake up at 2 am still hungry. And so, I watched German MTV airing "Scarred" and ate the most delicious fruit salad EVER... Honestly, who cares if the show was in German because the idiots on that show were so stupid it made me laugh regardless. Note: second time I laughed since leaving Canada.
I arranged for breakfast to get to my room for 6 so I tried to get some more sleep. The food is EXCELLENT -- the hugest omelette EVER, and a double espresso came right on time and I started feeling like a happy person again.
I checked out after checking my emails again and when I was walking out, Mr. Handsome was there and after immediately recognizing me, said hello and good luck.
At the entrance, another employee started talking to me. Unlike Mr. Handsome who was my age, this man who turned out to be very nice as well said, "You're from Canada?!"
Yeah...I sticked out like a sore thumb because I had a red and white belt around my suitcase that read CANADA.
He says, "Where in Canada?!"
"Oh nice! I lived in Toronto from the age of 4 and came back home when I was 18!"
We chatted for a while and I then headed to the airport again, for I managed to contact another girl through facebook who was arriving late as well and was going to land in 2 hours. Once she got in, we took the x93 to Kifissos Station in Athens, and this turned out to be some adventure...
Air France? Air Farce.
Yia su my homeslices!!
Many things have happened since I left my beloved (and I truly mean it) Canada on Sunday. I've decided that I will divide each adventure or story into difference posts, or else it will be never-ending!
Here's what happened first:
I flew out from Montreal with Air France.... Only I was grounded for an hour and a half because of the weather. We finally took off and I landed in Paris with just enough time in my opinion to make my connection... HOWEVER, that is not the case homie Gs.
Im stuck in this God-forsaken country for another 6 hours and the keyboard is not even right.
I told the flight attendant over and over again that I absolutely HAD TO MAKE IT AND COULDNT SHE HELP ME (no question mark apparently on this keyboard) She said she could do zip. I run outside the plane when it lands and go ask someone else. She points me to the Air France connections desk where I tell them my situation and ask for help. The dumbass gives me another ticket FOR 1;30 PM.
I run to try to catch my connections and don't even realize that I am at customs, until the guy looks at this short pissed off girl and asks where shes going. I.e. Customs= no sweat (seriously -- the least of my worries).
I keep going, but slow down when I encounter military peoples patrolling the terminals with bazookas -- seriously.
I ask Air France at the 2D terminal this time what the hell I am supposed to do and where can I make a call to my dig director. Im a fresh Canadian, not even supposed to be here this long and I have no clue what the hell I'm supposed to do now that I wont make it on time for the shuttle in Greece BECAUSE I LEAVE FRANCE AT 1;30 PM and the shuttle is AT TWO PM.
The ladies shuffle me like a deck of cards from one person to another and then I had had enough. I explain my problem for the 20th time and the lady can tell that I cant deal with this anymore. She gives me a calling card with 10 dollars on it and tells me how to use it.
I try calling the director whose numbers I copied down the day I left... Just in case (sick friggin joke) and nothing works. I go to the Air France lounge which the NICE lady explained to me that I had the wrong European area code and I finally reach him. I tell him I wont make the shuttle and well, what do I do? He tells me unless I want to pay a couple hundred euros for a taxi, that I bus it or something tomorrow; and that I stay in Athens -- I'm not going to Athens after I land in Greece... not at this hour.
Needless to say; I lost it for real after that and went back up to the lounge to the lady and asked her if she could be my sound board because I needed a moment without the world looking at me. She took pity on me and let me stay in this fancy lounge for FIRST CLASS people where it is cutoff from the busy traffic and normal people -- fully equipped with free food and computers with free wifi. So this was my safety net until 1;30PM.
I emailed my mom and asked her advice because I was a wreck with no friggin sleep. Because she had purchased insurance, I am covered for Air Farce's huge mistake and so I stayed at the hotel airport which is a 5 star. What do I care -- they are going to pay anyway.
I slept for an hour on the plane to Athens and woke up to the Adriatic Sea/West coast of Greece. I knew exactly which island was which and it was truly magical. Amidst everything that had happened --- I had a very happy moment. The plane landed and us passengers had to disembark outside!! Like you see in the movies --- never done that before!
And so, that is the first chapters of many to come --- I just don't have enough time at the moment to type more. Early day tomorrow.
Many things have happened since I left my beloved (and I truly mean it) Canada on Sunday. I've decided that I will divide each adventure or story into difference posts, or else it will be never-ending!
Here's what happened first:
I flew out from Montreal with Air France.... Only I was grounded for an hour and a half because of the weather. We finally took off and I landed in Paris with just enough time in my opinion to make my connection... HOWEVER, that is not the case homie Gs.
Im stuck in this God-forsaken country for another 6 hours and the keyboard is not even right.
I told the flight attendant over and over again that I absolutely HAD TO MAKE IT AND COULDNT SHE HELP ME (no question mark apparently on this keyboard) She said she could do zip. I run outside the plane when it lands and go ask someone else. She points me to the Air France connections desk where I tell them my situation and ask for help. The dumbass gives me another ticket FOR 1;30 PM.
I run to try to catch my connections and don't even realize that I am at customs, until the guy looks at this short pissed off girl and asks where shes going. I.e. Customs= no sweat (seriously -- the least of my worries).
I keep going, but slow down when I encounter military peoples patrolling the terminals with bazookas -- seriously.
I ask Air France at the 2D terminal this time what the hell I am supposed to do and where can I make a call to my dig director. Im a fresh Canadian, not even supposed to be here this long and I have no clue what the hell I'm supposed to do now that I wont make it on time for the shuttle in Greece BECAUSE I LEAVE FRANCE AT 1;30 PM and the shuttle is AT TWO PM.
The ladies shuffle me like a deck of cards from one person to another and then I had had enough. I explain my problem for the 20th time and the lady can tell that I cant deal with this anymore. She gives me a calling card with 10 dollars on it and tells me how to use it.
I try calling the director whose numbers I copied down the day I left... Just in case (sick friggin joke) and nothing works. I go to the Air France lounge which the NICE lady explained to me that I had the wrong European area code and I finally reach him. I tell him I wont make the shuttle and well, what do I do? He tells me unless I want to pay a couple hundred euros for a taxi, that I bus it or something tomorrow; and that I stay in Athens -- I'm not going to Athens after I land in Greece... not at this hour.
Needless to say; I lost it for real after that and went back up to the lounge to the lady and asked her if she could be my sound board because I needed a moment without the world looking at me. She took pity on me and let me stay in this fancy lounge for FIRST CLASS people where it is cutoff from the busy traffic and normal people -- fully equipped with free food and computers with free wifi. So this was my safety net until 1;30PM.
I emailed my mom and asked her advice because I was a wreck with no friggin sleep. Because she had purchased insurance, I am covered for Air Farce's huge mistake and so I stayed at the hotel airport which is a 5 star. What do I care -- they are going to pay anyway.
I slept for an hour on the plane to Athens and woke up to the Adriatic Sea/West coast of Greece. I knew exactly which island was which and it was truly magical. Amidst everything that had happened --- I had a very happy moment. The plane landed and us passengers had to disembark outside!! Like you see in the movies --- never done that before!
And so, that is the first chapters of many to come --- I just don't have enough time at the moment to type more. Early day tomorrow.
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