Thursday, June 16, 2011

Air France? Air Farce.

Yia su my homeslices!!

Many things have happened since I left my beloved (and I truly mean it) Canada on Sunday.  I've decided that I will divide each adventure or story into difference posts, or else it will be never-ending!
Here's what happened first:
I flew out from Montreal with Air France.... Only I was grounded for an hour and a half because of the weather. We finally took off and I landed in Paris with just enough time in my opinion to make my connection... HOWEVER, that is not the case homie Gs.

Im stuck in this God-forsaken country for another 6 hours and the keyboard is not even right.

I told the flight attendant over and over again that I absolutely HAD TO MAKE IT AND COULDNT SHE HELP ME (no question mark apparently on this keyboard)  She said she could do zip.  I run outside the plane when it lands and go ask someone else.  She points me to the Air France connections desk where I tell them my situation and ask for help.  The dumbass gives me another ticket FOR 1;30 PM.
I run to try to catch my connections and don't even realize that I am at customs, until the guy looks at this short pissed off girl and asks where shes going. I.e.  Customs= no sweat (seriously -- the least of my worries).

I keep going, but slow down when I encounter military peoples patrolling the terminals with bazookas -- seriously.

I ask Air France at the 2D terminal this time what the hell I am supposed to do and where can I make a call to my dig director. Im a fresh Canadian, not even supposed to be here this long and I have no clue what the hell I'm supposed to do now that I wont make it on time for the shuttle in Greece BECAUSE I LEAVE FRANCE AT 1;30 PM and the shuttle is AT TWO PM.

The ladies shuffle me like a deck of cards from one person to another and then I had had enough.  I explain my problem for the 20th time and the lady can tell that I cant deal with this anymore. She gives me a calling card with 10 dollars on it and tells me how to use it.

I try calling the director whose numbers I copied down the day I left... Just in case (sick friggin joke) and nothing works.  I go to the Air France lounge which the NICE lady explained to me that I had the wrong European area code and I finally reach him.  I tell him I wont make the shuttle and well, what do I do?  He tells me unless I want to pay a couple hundred euros for a taxi, that I bus it or something tomorrow; and that I stay in Athens -- I'm not going to Athens after I land in Greece... not at this hour.   
Needless to say; I lost it for real after that and went back up to the lounge to the lady and asked her if she could be my sound board because I needed a moment without the world looking at me.  She took pity on me and let me stay in this fancy lounge for FIRST CLASS people where it is cutoff from the busy traffic and normal people -- fully equipped with free food and computers with free wifi.  So this was my safety net until 1;30PM.

I emailed my mom and asked her advice because I was a wreck with no friggin sleep.  Because she had purchased insurance, I am covered for Air Farce's huge mistake and so I stayed at the hotel airport which is a 5 star.  What do I care -- they are going to pay anyway.

I slept for an hour on the plane to Athens and woke up to the Adriatic Sea/West coast of Greece. I knew exactly which island was which and it was truly magical.  Amidst everything that had happened --- I had a very happy moment.  The plane landed and us passengers had to disembark outside!! Like you see in the movies --- never done that before!

And so, that is the first chapters of many to come --- I just don't have enough time at the moment to type more.  Early day tomorrow.

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