Monday, July 18, 2011

The Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi

I went into an info centre and found no help there... I wasn't surprised: the old mand was funny, but helpful like a prickly tack.  So I walked out and was about to head towards the ancient site when I saw New York, "Hey, New York! You going to Delphi?"

And as easy as that, I made a friend for the day and we walked to the site.  We visited the museum first since it was closing earlier than the actual site. It was really cool: the tall sphinx statue, freizes from the temples, the bronze charioteer... I even bumped into on of my dig's supervisors (again)... What a small freaking world, Man!

New York and I climbed to the site afterwards and we had fun figuring out which ruin was what according to his out-dated map. We finally reached the temple of Apollo.

Later, we reached the theater which was still in use until the early 1900's and then we trecked up to the stadium. It was blistering hot, but so worth it! The stadium, much more well preserved than the one at Olympia, had the stands and fountains still standing.  Then, turn around and the view is impeccable...
I spotted the famous temple of Athena down, down, down below... So we climbed back down and walked and walked and walked until we reached the ancient gymnasium and lo and behold --- THE TEMPLE OF ATHENA. 

Yes, I was picture happy and got some good shots out my day. 

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