Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mr. Cool and New York

Starting fresh this morning, I tackled another idea I've had simmering in my head for a while. I asked the lovely desk lady to call a cab for me and headed towards another intercity bus station (the equivalent of the Greyhounds, back home). 
The cab driver looks at me within the first few seconds after I got in and says, "Where are you from?!"
"Ah! Canada! Beautiful country!"
(To skero! Hahaa, I know!)
"My friend went there for a week and loved it... But he didn't know English and his friend who invited him didn't bring him to visit places...."

That sucks.  We chatted all the way and he was very cool.  He was pointing out some national monuments here and there, let me know when the Acropolis was in distant site of the highway, and talked about his city in general.  He told me that for the Olympic Games in '04 that the city got re-vamped -- totally cleaned up and that it was beautiful. It makes sense.

Anyway, as we reached the station, he turns to me and explains that when I come back tonight from my day-trip (which you will know in due time my homeslices) that the driver should start the meter and should give me a receipt.  He was so considerate and concerned for my safety that it made me love Greece even more: I've dealt with nothing with great people from the get-go. 

I went in the station and bought my ticket and the waiting game began. I got there well in advance, just in case, because depending on the day, my destination is not available on the day of...makes sense?

I walked over to the actual bus 15 minutes before it was supposed to leave and sat on one of the benches. A minute goes by and the guy sitting next to me asks, "Have you been to Delphi before?"
I turn towards him and say, "No...! I haven't, you?"
He hadn't either.

It's such a damn small world --- he's from upstate New York --- Say what?!  That's only about nine hours from Ottawa! Holy Skata!  Small world, indeed. We start talking a little bit and next thing you know --- it's time to go.


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