Wednesday, June 22, 2011

There once was a Canadian who began turning Greek

On my first official day in Pylos, wake up call was at 7am --- No sweat.
We had an orientation of the site and headed back into town early in the afternoon.
My roommate and I went to the Plataea -- the town square which is 2 mins from the hotel. We got ice cream --- BEST ICE CREAM EVER--- and a frappe (cold coffee with foamed milk and sugar --- SOOO good.)  Across the street from where we were sitting was CALICO cat sunbathing underneath a table.. Oh my word,  we were both THIS close from kidnapping it!!!!!!!!!!!  sniff sniff.. sadly, I didn't. I see cats all over the place and gosh darnit:  I want them all!!!

After I was initiated into the wonderful world of Greek delicacies, we stepped into a touristy shop where the owner said, "yia sas."
I thought that that was what I heard, but I wasn't sure, so I just smiled.
Then she said, "I said hello!"
I respond, "I thought so!"
So then she said, "if you want to say this...and that...."
Then I said, "and thank you is 'parakalo'?
She said, "YES!!!!"
She was all into teaching us words, it was so cool --- To this day, I visit her everyday after dinner and buy one postcard from her shop --- It gives me a reason to go visit her.  She loves it!

Later in the evening, two friends and I (all Canadians) discovered a small shoe store filled with SHINY SHOES!!! OH LORD.
I did not buy anything, but God knows I will eventually... It's just a matter of time... Everything is so close by!

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